Probe: Simple device used for identifying the correspondence points for treatment. Also those points can be treated by massaging the other end of probe to do treatment. So both diagnosis and treatment can be done.

Multiprobe: Same function as regular probe but has multiple tips varying from small ball to big ball tips. Also has a spring loading tip for Ear Acupuncture and children treatment.

Gravity Inserter: Used for inserting needles Vertically. Used mainly for correspondence treatment needle insertion. It is gravity aided insertion.

Sixki Inserter: Is spring loaded. Used for slanting insertion or any direction insertion. Used mainly of Sujok Ki treatments - Six Ki, Six emotions & Six Reason and Triorigin treatments.

Bar Magnets: Clearly defined North & South pole used for regulating energy flow in meridian in Sujok Ki and all treatment requiring influencing of energy flow direction.

Star Magnets: One of the most useful tool. Mainly for correspondence treatment. Yellow star used for Sedation and White star used for Tonification. Black star magnet for influencing correspondence balls in all pain condition.

Ring Magnets: Used for concentrating and Dispersing accumulated energy from any party of the body.

Byol Magnets: Used for Sujok Ki ,energy regulation similar to bar magnets but different because of the use of polarity from two different magnets.

Moxa: Different types of Moxas are available. Used to energize the body through the energy points. Mini moxa mounted on a stand and lighted over correspondence points. Micro Moxa : Thread like, placed directly over the correspondence points.

Sticker moxa: Slightly bigger in size can be used in hand and feet or on any place over the body for warming.

Cigar moxa: Lighted like a cigar and shown over the treatment parts/ areas.

Sujok Rings: Most useful of the gadgets. This spring like ring used for rolling over the finger for correspondence treatments, increasing general energy and well being. Safest and can be used for all conditions to enhance energy flow in the body.